When one invests in workout equipment for home use, there is a certain expectancy of safety. Peleton Interactive Inc. is a company known for its top-of-the-line exercise machines. But many parents and others who purchased treadmills from Peleton are now concerned that these machines can cause serious injury or even death. Because of these risks, Peleton treadmills are now under a voluntary recall.
The risks involved
Peleton treadmills have a different design than many treadmills from other brands. This design creates a dangerous situation where pets, small children and objects can be pulled under the machine. There have already been 72 such incidents, including the death of a 6-year-old child. The company initially resisted recalling the machines, but later decided to issue a voluntary recall.
Options for Peleton treadmill owners
The recall means that Peleton Tread and Tread+ machines will no longer be sold in stores. Anyone who owns one of the recalled machines will be eligible for a full refund. More information on the recall and the refund options can be found on the brand’s website.
This recall has shed light on another possible issue when it comes to the safety of exercise machines and other consumer goods. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission is limited in how it can inform consumers of risks associated with workout equipment and other products. Many are now calling for the agency to have more power to caution the public of safety concerns.
Serious injuries in the home related to the use of exercise equipment and other household devices are not uncommon. Many times, these injuries are caused by faulty equipment or machines that do not have the proper safety precautions in place. Anyone in Oklahoma who has suffered an injury related to workout equipment or other consumer products may be eligible for compensation. Speaking with an attorney knowledgeable in product liability is the best way to understand all the options available.