As summer approaches, many Oklahoma families may be thinking about taking a road trip. Road-tripping is an economical way to see the sights and enjoy spending time with loved ones. But while navigating highways and interstates, one can encounter a lot of traffic traveling at high speeds, which can increase the chances of being involved in an accident. Following some basic guidelines can help one reduce the risk of having a crash.
Road trip safety
One of the most important parts of road trip safety begins before the trip. Checking the vehicle to be sure everything is in good working order can prevent mechanical or tire issues while on the road. A mechanic can perform a diagnostic test to ensure that the vehicle is road-ready. Keeping a set of jumper cables, a portable tire inflator, and everything needed to change a tire can help one deal with common issues if they arise.
While on the road, defensive driving techniques can help one avoid being involved in a crash. Follow the speed limit and watch out for drivers who are exhibiting signs of distraction, tiredness, or intoxication. A paper map and a plan to take an alternate route can help if one encounters heavy traffic or an accident that may take some time to clean up. Be sure to start the trip with a charged cell phone and have an extra phone charger in the car.
Help after an accident
High speeds on interstates and increased summer traffic can heighten the risk of being injured in a crash. Oklahoma crash victims have the right to seek compensation for their injuries when negligence contributed to the accident. By speaking with a personal injury attorney, victims can understand how to proceed forward with a civil lawsuit against the driver at fault.