You pay your premiums on time, expecting your auto insurance to be there when needed. But what happens if you injure someone in an accident and your claim gets lowballed, delayed or worse, denied? You might have a case for a bad faith insurance claim. What is bad...
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Southeast Oklahoma Personal Injury Law Blog
Oklahoma’s open roads and a trucker’s blind spot: A recipe for disaster?
Oklahoma's vast landscapes and wide-open highways offer scenic drives and a sense of freedom on the road. However, sharing these roads with large trucks comes with inherent dangers. A significant safety concern lies in a truck's blind spots, also known as no-zones....
Could I experience a post-traumatic seizure?
If you have experienced an accident, you may be aware that headaches, dizziness and loss of consciousness could all be signs of an injury to your brain. However, many may be unaware of another risk of brain injuries: seizures. What should injured people and their...
You shouldn’t face insurance companies alone
A car crash can be a life-changing experience, especially if it causes significant damage and injuries. However, the aftermath can be just as stressful as the event itself when it comes to dealing with insurance companies. Many people mistakenly think that handling...
Rear-end collisions can cause serious injuries
Rear-end collisions are common on Oklahoma’s roadways, just as they are in other states. The impact of a rear-end collision can injure drivers and passengers in both vehicles, and the severity of those injuries depends on the speed at which both vehicles were...
What are the compensations for product liability?
If you’ve suffered an injury due to a defective product, you may be eligible for compensation. There are laws on product safety that hold manufacturers and distributors responsible for any damage their products may cause. Below are some of the things you need to know...
The seriousness of a T-bone accident
Side impact collisions, also known as T-bone accidents, can leave Oklahoma motorists and passengers with serious injuries. These collisions can happen for many reasons, but most often occur when one driver does not yield the right of way. T-bone collisions may happen...
Support for those dealing with wrongful death issues
If you are grieving the loss of a loved one, it is critical to build a strong network of support so that you can rely on family, friends, counselors and others for encouragement and assistance as you cope with your loss and learn to move on in life without your family...
Summer road trip safety tips
As summer approaches, many Oklahoma families may be thinking about taking a road trip. Road-tripping is an economical way to see the sights and enjoy spending time with loved ones. But while navigating highways and interstates, one can encounter a lot of traffic...
Car accident, spinal cord injury, life adjustments
Surviving a collision brings relief, yet recovery can be challenging. If you’ve suffered a catastrophic injury, such as damage to your spinal cord, life as you knew it before the collision may cease to exist. Adapting to a new lifestyle after a car accident due to...